V tomto článku sa pozrieme na najčastejšie používané FRÁZOVÉ SLOVESÁ S TAKE.
byť po kom, byť podobný komu
TAKE AFTER používame vtedy, ak sa mladší člen rodiny podobá na staršieho člena rodiny (napr. vlastnosťami alebo výzorom).
- I don’t take after my mother at all.
- Who do you take after in your family?
rozložiť, rozmontovať
- I am taking my bicycle apart to see what’s wrong with it.
vrátiť, odniesť (chybný / nevyhovujúci tovar do obchodu)
- The T-shirt was too small so I took it back.
vziať späť (odvolať niečo, čo sme povedali)
- I know I accused him of lying, but I take it all back.
ubytovať u seba
- We are going to take in two lodgers (= dvoch podnájomníkov).
zadržať (hlavne polícia)
- The police will take in your brother for questioning.
Vo význame “naletieť komu na čo“, “dať sa oklamať” - sa TAKE IN používa najčastejšie v pasíve. Teda BE TAKEN IN BY SB / STH.
- I was taken in by him.
- Too many pensioners were taken in by the government.
porozumieť (v zmysle chápať)
- I couldn’t take in his explanation.
- It’s very difficult to take it in.
- There was so much information to take in from the text book.
zúžiť (oblečenie)
vzlietnuť (vznieť sa) (napr. lietadlo)
- The plane is due to* take off at 6.
- Being an astronaut is a lot of hard work and when planes take off it is probably one of the hardest jobs.
rozbehnúť sa / uchytiť sa (napr. biznis, autor, firma…)
- His new song has really taken off.
* Ak štruktúre DUE TO nerozumiete, prečítajte si tento článok – “BUDÚCNOSŤ”: Iné spôsoby vyjadrenia budúcnosti
vyzliecť si niečo, vyzuť si niečo
- When he come home he took his shoes off.
vytiahnuť, vybrať
- I will have to go to see the dentist to take my tooth out.
vybaviť si (zobrať si) (napr. pôžičku, poistenie apod.)
- It’s high time he took out an insurance policy. (= poistka)
- I didn’t want to take out a mortgage (= hypotéka) on my house but I had no option.
pozvať niekoho niekam
- It was my intention (= mal som v úmysle…) to take her out for a dinner.
- My brother took his girlfriend out for a dinner.
prevziať, ovládnuť (napr. podnik apod.)
- He will take over the company after his father’s death.
začať sa venovať čomu (nejakej činnosti)
- I took up playing football when I was six.
- I think we should take up softball or another sport that we could enjoy.
zaberať (čas, miesto apod.)
- This computer takes up too much space on my desk.
zaoberať sa čím (= prerokovať, čo)
- This issue will be taken up at the next meeting
- We can take up that part later when it becomes a problem.
obľúbiť si koho / čo
- She took to my mother immediately.
- The first time we played football we took to it.
prijať, nabrať si (zodpovednosť, náročnú úlohu)
- Don’t take on more than you can handle (= zvládnuť).
- Katy refused to take on more responsibility.
Ak niekto začne niekoho zamestnávať – teda niekoho zamestná, používame frázové sloveso TAKE ON.
- The shop has taken on 30 employees this year.
- They are planning to take on more workers during the season.
Marek Karafa
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